Making Rocket Launcher Style Rod Holders
Have just finished making the prototype version and will be testing on the water before giving full details on how to make these easily built, rocket launcher style rod holders.
The reason for adding this style holder to your flush mounts, is so that your precious reels are mounted further away from damaging saltwater.
We have also incorporated a rod keeper into the design.

The Rocket Launchers are very simple to make using a length of 42 mm uPVC pipe. Depending on the size of your flush mounts the pipe may slip snugly inside, if not, measure the depth of the flush mounts and mark against your pipe, draw a line from the base to your mark up the pipe cut along the line with a hacksaw, a dremmel hobby drill will make this job much easier. When you reach your mark, cut at 90 degrees to form an L shape only a couple of centimetres long. This L shape will allow you to squeeze the bottom section of the pipe, allowing the plastic to overlap which in turn will reduce the diameter of the pipe, allowing a snug fit inside the flush mount, mix up some epoxy and glue the edges, use a couple of zip ties to compress the tube and hold at the required size whilst drying.
Once dry remove the zip ties, fill and file the rough edges (you can get quite a neat finish just by filing. Slide the pipe into flush mount and decide on how high you want the rocket launchers to be. Mark and cut.
The reel leash can be made by tying a thumb knot into the centre of a length of elasticated rope, drill a hole into the side of the rocket launcher about 1 inch from the top to accommodate the rope, thread the two ends of the rope through the hole, this isn't easy, stretching the rope to make it thinner will help. Thread the two ends through a plastic rope ball, place a rod into the rocket launcher with reel attached, fix to the correct length by tying the ends together and pulling the rope ball over the knot.
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