Hobie SideKick AMA Kit
I'm not the only person that will be using the Hobie Revolution 16, in fact one of the first people to use it was a friend from Sweden who was more use to fishing from a Pro Angler or Hobie Outback, he asked if I could fit the SideKick AMA Kit before he borrowed it for a Tournament he would be borrowing it for. As I'm sure I'll be using it with the Sail Kit at some point I obliged.
Normally the SideKicks would be fitted behind the CT Vantage Seat, I had plans for that area so had to think again. Further back behind where the H-Crate sits would be the only option.

Getting the main permanently fitted bar square on the back of the hull was key, so I used the rear bungee as my point to measure from... I have a lot of faith that Hobie have squared everything up in the original moulds so fittings are placed accurately around the hull.
The bar base fixture was slid into place, centred over the width of the gunwale, I also checked inside the hull to ensure the moulding was clear to get a washer and nut in once drilled.
The first hole was drilled, the bolt dropped in place.

Then the otherside was drilled and bolted after checking nothing had moved. Drilling right through the base plate hole using it as a guide.

The bar was left in place so that the base plate is square across the kayak. Then the second hole drilled, bolt dropped in.

Followed by the final hole.

Drill holes were cleaned up with a sharp blade, a little sealant adhesive squeezed into the hold to ensure a good waterproof seal.

The bar was then clamped in place.

Ensuring that the bar protruded equally on both sides of the kayak.

The bar also needs twisting so that the SideKicks can be raised and lowered into the correct positions. It's worth fitting a SideKick to do this properly.

Finally tighten all the bolts.

Job done.
If you have more than one kayak that you want to fit the SideKick AMA's too Hobie do offer the mounting bar as a separate kit.