Fitting RAM-117 Rod Holders

RAM-117 Rod Holder.
The Trident ought to have been an easy kayak to kit out with rod holders, we have always loved the Scotty mounts, but with such a long cockpit fitting them up front leaves them just out of reach. The gunwales are to narrow to mount anything directly and using the Prowler 13 pilots favourite position, Scotty mounts inside the cockpit mounted on the rudder track moulding is out of the question as the Trident really needs a rudder so the track moulding is already used. We had to find another solution, so decided to take a look at the RAM-117 Rod holders.
We don't like to paddle with the rods in position, preferring to carry rods in the flush mounts or in the Berkeley triple mounted on our crate behind the cockpit out of harms way.
The chosen position for the RAM-117 mounts was beside the seat allowing the rods to be in the perfect striking position, when not in use the holders can be swung back flat against the deck mounts the holders pointing upwards to keep them out of the way of our paddle stroke.
Fitting was an easy affair once we had worked out the position, the ball mount was held against the deck and the first drill hole marked with a pen, the hole was drilled with a ?? drill bit, a 25mm (a bit long) stainless steel Pan Head M5 bolt was inserted through the ball mount and into the deck to hold the ball mount in position, the mount was held tight and the second hole marked by drilling through the next hole on the mount only enough to mark the deck, the mount swung out of the way, the hole was drilled proper, a second bolt is fitted then the final hole marked with the drill bit, mount removed and the final hole drilled proper.

The first hole is marked then drilled.

The second hole marked with the drill and then drilled proper.
With the Tridents easy access through the Rod Pod we were able to easily clean up the holes on the inside of the hull with a bit of glass paper.
A squirt of silicone sealant was added to each hole to help keep the water out then the ball mount was fitted using penny washers on the inside of the hull to spread the load, each bolt was tightened a little in turn to ensure even pressure.

Silicone sealant applied to holes and penny washers used during fixing.

The ball mount fitted.
The RAM arm and holder were then fitted and the position tested proper, it's just like sitting on a river bank, the rods in easy reach for that all important strike, and when swung out of the way correctly they are clear of the paddle arc.

One thing worth noting is that the RAM mounts can be difficult to remove safely at sea, there are various loose bits, springs, washers and bolts that can be easily lost at sea so it's important to get the positioning perfect when fitting so that they can remain in position and only a slight loosening required to reposition for paddling.
We were a little disappointed in the quality of moulding of the RAM-117 holder the seems needed a little sanding down to remove the rough edges something that ought to be done as part of the production process.
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